Customized for Your Lifestyle & Environment
After we complete a comprehensive assessment of your pest situation, we can customize a program for your home that will fit around your schedule and the types of pest problems normally found in your environment.
Miller Pest Solution professionals utilize extensive pest control training and pest elimination expertise to insure that effective service procedures are followed to remove pest populations and prevent pests from returning. We start by conducting a thorough inspection of your home, noting all signs of pest activity, and locating potential points of pest entry or breeding sites. We then utilize a combination of non-pesticide techniques and pesticide applications for the best pest service to your home.
We carefully place baits, liquids, dusts, traps or granular products to create barriers around and throughout critical areas to kill existing pests and repel those that may attempt to enter from outdoors. A thorough exterior treatment prevents many pest problems inside your home.

Pests never take a season off in the South. So the best solution to control them is to stay on top of the situation year round. At Miller Pest Solutions, we have designed our Bi-Monthly Maintenance Programs to keep pests at bay while providing a more convenient treatment schedule for our customers. We use our six services per year to treat insects where they are and create a barrier between their habitat and yours. This makes for fewer more targeted applications that are cost effective and guaranteed.
We can remove and prevent pest infestations in your home. Many species of ants, cockroaches, and occasional invaders such as spiders, scorpions, silverfish, crickets, carpet beetles, bees and wasps, centipedes, etc. are controlled by our services. Rodent control programs are part of our basic service package. We also offer service programs to combat specialty type pests such as fleas, ants, fire ants and others. Learn more about the household & structural pests that Miller Pest Solutions can protect your home against.
Miller Pest Solutions will design a program specific to your pest prevention needs.
Please call our office at 407-402-7078 for a free consultation.